Well yes the answer is of course anyone however, it is surprising that potential customers often say ‘I only have one vinyl LP or its only one Audio Cassette I’m afraid’ but whether it is just one item or as in my largest order it was over 400 audio cassettes it does not matter, the most important thing to me is you have wanted to preserve the analogue media for the future or to change it into a format to make it playable or usable because if you do not do that the item may eventually be lost or degrade to a state where the audio is no longer able to be captured and transferred to digital.
The vast majority of our customers are private or individual people with audio cassettes or Reel to Reel tapes with family home recordings on them which have great sentimental value and in a lot of cases the prompt to get them transferred to digital is from the loss of a loved one who perhaps was the original owner of the media and the surviving family want to keep thos memories. It is probably because in my view photographs and pictures are great visual reminders of something but it is the actual sound or audio that really stimulate our memories, so powerful is the media at times.
We do work for some Photo & Video shops or studios who are often asked by there customers if they transfer audio cassettes or Reel to Reel tapes and those businesses either refer the customer to us direct or take in the work and pass it on to us to be done, either way it is all about helping to fulfill a customer demand and service.
Some of our work will come from Police Forces and Solicitors where evidence has been obtained in the form of a tape that cannot be readily used by those parties so we can confidentially transfer that audio and supply the digital format they require such as Cd, USB Memory Stick or a simple download.
Remember thereis so much private music out there done years ago that have no back up or past records which of course means if that tape or record is destroyed then it is truly lost forever.
We have done much work in capturing audio from records and tapes for the families of late musicians and composers such as Franz Reizenstein https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Reizenstein and Leonard Salzedo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonard_Salzedo also tapes for the family of the late Matt Monro https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Monro and some of this material has been used for archive purposes and for the writing of biographies.
I have transferred from audio cassette many personal recordings of customers relatives recording their memories of their lives during World War One & Two from the perspective of personal experiences living in the UK during the War and of times serving in one of the Military services, also of Prisoner Of War captivity and one I recall of a Boy Soldier in Africa all of these being truly moving to listen to and one in particular was used for War trial hearings in I think Geneva.
I have also transferred old 78rpm interviews from dubs or ‘acetates’ from The Beatles, Rolf Harris, P J Proby, Kenny Everett and work from the early years of some BBC Journalists and Broadcasters who again had audio on Reel to Reel Tapes and audio Cassettes that they wanted preserving in a digital format.
So you can now perhaps grasp that the audio transfer and eventual archive is a really interesting vocation for me to be doing as it is a bit like metal detecting you never know what you might find, and that goes for what you might have in a nold box in the loft as it is not only old paintings that can be irreplaceable but old audio as well.